
**Now Available** : Free eBook taster for ‘Compost Teas’

Now available is the new  FREE taster for ‘Compost Teas for the Organic Grower’, but it’s more than that because it has further original material not in the hardcopy. Just set up a free account with Permaculture Market (no cards needed) click the eBook link here or go to ‘My Downloadable Products’  in your account and find it from there. Presuming you haven’t actually bought anything else, (Ed… like the hardcopy of the full book for instance :)) just go straight on to check out with £0 in your cart.  Works fine I’ve just tried it.

The main theme of this taster are the interviews with leading figures in the compost tea industry. If you have read the book it takes things from a different perspective, if you haven’t it offers a glimpse of many of the topics engaged with in the hardcopy.

Next Up : Author Outline and Back Cover

a visual representation of some of the themes in ‘Compost Teas’ care of Pinterest


Just for fun really, I have been known to go rounds. If you would like to buy me a Fairtrade coffee with BTC, here is my wallet address : bc1qn5h68vvtwfdr0c5ve5hfkkgx9lxlepe9fd0h5y



Talk to the Author Blog

If you have a go at anything in this work, I would be very interested to find
out how you got on. If you have any other feedback, critiques, questions about this book or any of the topics around it, this is one place where you can make your views known.


I am running workshops and doing guest talks in connection with topics related to my book. Talks and activities could cover many topics around alternative agriculture including permaculture, indicator plants, companion plants, beneficial and essential elements, organic growing, seedballs, composting, compost teas, no-till. Feel free to contact me.

Email – Efish707@gmail.com. Linked-in – Eric Fisher

***Check out my question/answer sessions on Permies and check out my book Wiki on there.


Author Outline and Back Cover


It was initially intended as a short project but as I put in more energy and dialogue between publishers, it developed into something more substantial. The book looks at liquid amendments from a variety of perspectives with a focus on holistic practice and the food web. A subtext gradually emerged which engaged with the relationship between science, our understanding of reality and the topic area which culminated in a rationale for alternative practice.

From the back cover (Publisher’s account) :

Learn everything you need to know about feeding your garden,
orchard and smallholding with homemade and chemical-free ‘teas’.
Packed with recipes for creating nutrient-rich, healthy soil, to give
you healthy plants and ecosystems, Eric Fisher offers an in depth
history of organic agriculture and the rise of chemical inputs.
He explores the importance of nutrients, their cycles, and the
structure of soil.
When we understand how soil and nutrients work, we can diagnose
problems and find natural remedies. Eric enables growers to
diagnose plant diseases and pest problems, and to create the right
remedy for every situation. He also provides recipes for natural
pesticides and insecticides.
Compost Teas for the Organic Grower shows the reader how to
use the plants growing around us to create teas, as well as how to
grow specific plants to encourage beneficial insects for healthy
If we care for the health of our plants and soil without using
chemicals, we reduce inputs, save money, and demonstrate to agribusiness
that polluting, fossil fuel based chemical inputs are not

“This book is a dual gem: full of practical applications for
organic growers seeking to develop their skills with compost
teas, whilst at the same time, being scientifically grounded
so that it offers a broader perspective looking to shape a better
approach to human food production without synthetic

Dr Colin Trier, environmental scientist and cider producer


Source: Compost Teas for the Organic Grower

Next up : Growing with the Patterns of Nature


Q & A on Composting. https://Permies.Com

Permies forum. Check it out and register they are doing a lot of interesting things on there. Click on my book forum Wiki.

Spring and Autumn

Related Permies Threads

What Types of Compost Teas Exist? Any Favorite Recipes?   By Dave Burton

Understanding the Context Around Composting and Compost Teas. By Dave Burton

Compost Teas by Eric Fisher.  Permies Wiki

Which Korean Natural Farming input would you use for small nursery plants? (Indigenous Microorganisms). By Nicole Alderman

Outdoor IMO Beds.  By John Bop

Using a Microscope to improve your soil.   By Dr Bryant RedHawk

An Examination of Accepted Soil Testing Proceedures and Results. By Dr Bryant RedHawk

List of Dr. RedHawk’s Epic Soil Series Threads. By Dr Bryant RedHawk

Gentilly and Soil Remediation – Fallen off the Radar. By Eric Fisher

Building Soil Health. By Elaine Ingham

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Promotional Info Page for Authors on Permies

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Contact and Links

You are welcome to contact me through my links below on anything book related. Best Wishes E


Eric Fisher MSc BSc (Hons), Yorkshire, Uk.

Email : efish707@gmail.com

Author Page on Amazon : amazon.com/author/eric_fisher

Buy on Amazon (Permanent Publications) : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Compost-Teas-Organic-Grower-Fisher/dp/1856233278

Eric’s Book Blog (Talk to the Author)
(Previously https://ericfisherblog.wordpress.com/)

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-fisher-882a72a4/

Pubfacts : https://www.pubfacts.com/author/Eric+Fisher

Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/TheOrganicGrower

Permies Wiki for ‘Compost Teas’ : https://permies.com/wiki/116744

My Permies Profile : https://permies.com/compost-teas

Permanent Publications

Free Ebook as a supplement to the hardcopy : https://shop.permaculture.co.uk/compost-teas-the-interviews.html

Publisher’s Info : http://permanentpublications.co.uk/port/compost-teas-for-the-organic-grower-by-eric-fisher/

United Kingdom, Amazon


United States of America, Chelsea Green


Canada, Amazon


Influential People featured in ‘Compost Teas’

Dr Elaine Ingham – Compost Tea Brewing Manual : https://www.soilfoodweb.com

T. Fleisher (Director at Battery Park City Authority) – Interviews : https://bpca.ny.gov

Dr Gavin Lishman (Director of Martin Lishman Ltd) – Interviews : http://martinlishman.com/compost-tea-systems/

Professor Charles C. Mitchell (Auburn University) – Tillage Studies

Professor Margaret Tuttle McGrath of (Cornell University) -Compost Tea Studies

Dr Mark S. Hoddle, (University of California) – Encarsia formosa

Helen Atthowe – Soil Testing. Biodesign Farm, Stevensville https://veganicpermaculture.com

Significant Organisations featured in ‘Compost Teas’

USDA – Soil Testing     https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb1044790.pdf


USDA – Soil Triangle : https: //www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/soils/survey/cid=nrcs142p2_054167  

Soil Association :  https://www.soilassociation.org

The Royal Horticultural Society : https://www.rhs.org.uk/

Garden Organic (formerly Henry Doubleday Research Association) : https://www.gardenorganic.org.uk

Natural History Museum : https://www.nhm.ac.uk

The Rudolf Steiner Archive :  http://wn.rsarchive.org/

***NEW *** I will be doing question and answer sessions on Permies from the 22nd July (2019) for seven days. Check out my book Wiki on Permies.

Local Links

My local bookshop stocking ‘Compost Teas’

Related Threads on Permies :

How to improve clay soils and still be growing the first year

List of Dr. RedHawk’s Epic Soil Series Threads

Adding Lime to my Pasture

Masanobu Fukuoka – The One Straw Revolution

Jeavons – Ideas about growing all your own food

Steiner – Timing seed planting by observing nature …not the calendar.

Growing with the Patterns of Nature


“An observer can easily distinguish the clean intricate patterns of holistically grown produce from the broken and coarse patterns of old or conventionally grown produce. The analogy of a photograph of a jigsaw with pieces missing and slightly out of focus, compared to one that is complete and in clear focus, could be made to illustrate this difference. The consciousness naturally spots between the two patterns a teleological impression that appears to aspire towards an involuted and intricate order. The organic plant achieves this mysterious becoming better than the non-organic one….”

via Compost Teas for the Organic Grower — Eric’s Book Blog